N+1 Queries

N+1 queries are a performance problem in which the application makes database queries in a loop, instead of making a single query that returns all the information at once. Each database connection takes some amount of time, so querying the database in a loop can be many times slower than doing it just once. This problem often occurs when you use an object-relational mapping (ORM) tool in web frameworks like Django or Ruby on Rails.

Detection Criteria

The detector for performance issues looks for a set of sequential, non-overlapping database spans with similar descriptions. It also uses the following criteria:

  • Total duration of involved spans must exceed a threshold (usually 100 ms)
  • Total count of involved spans must exceed a threshold (usually five spans)
  • Involved spans must have full queries as their descriptions (some SDKs truncate queries and add an ellipsis to the end)
  • There must be at least one database span that precedes the repeating spans (this is called the "source" span, and is used for fingerprinting)

If Sentry is not detecting an N+1 issue where you expect one, it's probably because the transaction didn't meet one of the above criteria.

Span Evidence

The evidence for an N+1 queries problem has four main aspects:

  • Transaction name
  • Parent span - This can be a view, a serializer, or another span that logically groups the queries.
  • Repeating span - This is the "N" of N+1 queries. This is the looped query that should have been part of a bulk query.

N+1 Query span evidence


Sentry computes the issue

fingerprintThe set of characteristics that define an event.
based on the parent span, the source span, and the repeating spans. If you're finding that Sentry is failing to correctly group N+1 query issues, make sure that the database spans in your transactions have parameterized queries as the span description. For example, the span description SELECT * FROM books WHERE books.id = 1 is not parameterized correctly because it includes the book ID. The book ID parameter should vary for each query. This would create different fingerprints and separate issues. A correct span description should look something like this: SELECT * FROM books WHERE books.id = %s. While Sentry attempts to parameterize queries while fingerprinting, it may miss some cases.


Consider a book review website. It has two ORM models, Book and Author, each with a corresponding database table. The website shows a list of the ten oldest books and their respective authors. The code might look like this:

from django.http import HttpResponse

def books(request):
    books = Book.objects.all()[:10]
    book_list = [book.title + " by " + book.author.name for book in books]
    return HttpResponse((", ").join(book_list))

This code has a subtle performance problem. Each call to book.author.name makes a query to fetch the book's author. In total, this code makes 11 queries: one query to fetch the list of books, and 10 more queries to fetch the author of each book. This results in a characteristic query span waterfall:

N+1 queries in an example application

In order to fix this performance issue, you could use the select_related method in Django, like so:

from django.http import HttpResponse

def books(request):
    books = Book.objects.select_related("author").all()[:10]
    book_list = [book.title + " by " + book.author.name for book in books]
    return HttpResponse((", ").join(book_list))

Django will JOIN the tables ahead of time, and preload the author information. That way, calling book.author.name does not need to make an extra query. Instead of a long waterfall, there is a single SELECT query:

Solved N+1 queries in an example application

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