Sentry Crons allows you to monitor the uptime and performance of any scheduled, recurring job. Once implemented, it'll allow you to get alerts and metrics to help you solve errors, detect timeouts, and prevent disruptions to your service.


To begin monitoring your recurring, scheduled job:


The Sentry CLI uses your Monitor's project DSN to authorize check-ins. To set it up, export the SENTRY_DSN environment variable:

export SENTRY_DSN=

Alternatively, you can add it to your ~/.sentryclirc config:

dsn =

Learn more about the CLI's configuration file.

Job Monitoring

Use the Sentry CLI to run your job and notify you if it doesn't start when expected (missed) or if it exceeded its maximum runtime (failed).

sentry-cli monitors run <monitor_slug> -- <command> <args>

Usage examples:

sentry-cli monitors run my-monitor-slug -- python path/to/

Specifying Monitor Environments (Optional)

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