User Feedback

When a user experiences an error, Sentry provides the ability to collect additional feedback. You can collect feedback according to the method supported by the SDK.

User Feedback API

The user feedback API provides the ability to collect user information when an event occurs. You can use the same programming language you have in your app to send user feedback. In this case, the SDK creates the HTTP request so you don't have to deal with posting data via HTTP.

USentrySubsystem* SentrySubsystem = ...;

USentryId* EventId = ...;

USentryUserFeedback* UserFeedback = NewObject<USentryUserFeedback>();
User->SetComment("Some comment");


// OR

SentrySubsystem->CaptureUserFeedbackWithParams(EventId, "", "Some comment", "Name");

The same result can be achieved by calling corresponding functions in blueprint:

Capture user feedback

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