Customize Tags

Tags are key/value string pairs that are both indexed and searchable. Tags power features in such as filters and tag-distribution maps. Tags also help you quickly both access related events and view the tag distribution for a set of events. Common uses for tags include hostname, platform version, and user language.

We’ll automatically index all tags for an event, as well as the frequency and the last time that Sentry has seen a tag. We also keep track of the number of distinct tags and can assist you in determining hotspots for various issues.

Tag keys have a maximum length of 32 characters and can contain only letters (a-zA-Z), numbers (0-9), underscores (_), periods (.), colons (:), and dashes (-).

Tag values have a maximum length of 200 characters and they cannot contain the newline (\n) character.

Define the tag:

USentrySubsystem* SentrySubsystem = ...;

SentrySubsystem->SetTag("tag1", "value1");

The same result can be achieved by calling corresponding function in blueprint:

Set tag

Alternatively, this configuration cab be provided to the crash reporter during initialization.

Commonly used values including Engine version, Configuration, and Target Type, can be promoted to tags via Sentry's configuration window by navigating to the editor's menu Project Settings > Plugins > Sentry > Misc > Promote values to tags and selecting the values that should be automatically added to captured events as tags.

Configure default tags

Once you've started sending tagged data, you'll see it when logged in to There, you can view the filters within the sidebar on the Project page, summarized within an event, and on the Tags page for an aggregated event.


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