Default Integrations

System integrations are enabled by default to integrate into the standard library or the interpreter itself. They're documented so you can understand what they do and disable them if they cause issues.

Enabled by Default


Import name: Sentry.Integrations.InboundFilters

This integration allows you to ignore specific errors based on the error message or the URL from which the exception originated.

To configure it, use the ignoreErrors, ignoreTransactions, denyUrls, and allowUrls SDK options directly. Keep in mind that denyUrls and allowUrls only work for captured exceptions, not raw message events.


Import name: Sentry.Integrations.FunctionToString

This integration allows the SDK to provide original function and method names, even when those functions or methods are wrapped by our error or breadcrumb handlers.


Import name: Sentry.Integrations.LinkedErrors

This integration allows you to configure linked errors. They'll be recursively read up to a specified limit, and lookup will be performed by a specific key. By default, the limit is set to 5 and the key used is "cause".

Available options:

  key: string; // default: "cause"
  limit: number; // default: 5



Import name: Sentry.Integrations.Console

This integration wraps the console module to record all of its calls as breadcrumbs.


Import name: Sentry.Integrations.Http

This integration wraps the http and https modules to capture all network requests as breadcrumbs and/or

tracingThe process of logging the events that took place during a request, often across multiple services.

Available options:

  breadcrumbs: boolean; // default: true
  tracing: boolean | TracingOptions; // default: false

Where TracingOptions is:

   * List of strings/regex controlling to which outgoing requests
   * the SDK will attach tracing headers.
   * By default the SDK will attach those headers to all outgoing
   * requests. If this option is provided, the SDK will match the
   * request URL of outgoing requests against the items in this
   * array, and only attach tracing headers if a match was found.
  tracePropagationTargets?: TracePropagationTargets;

   * Function determining whether or not to create spans to track outgoing requests to the given URL.
   * By default, spans will be created for all outgoing requests.
  shouldCreateSpanForRequest?: (url: string) => boolean;


Import name: Sentry.Integrations.OnUncaughtException

This integration attaches a global uncaught exception handler. It can be modified to provide a custom shutdown function. The onFatalError option is meant to perform a cleanup before the process exits, not fully prevent it from exiting.

Available options:

  onFatalError: (firstError: Error, secondError?: Error) => void;


Import name: Sentry.Integrations.OnUnhandledRejection

This integration attaches a global unhandled rejection handler. By default, all unhandled rejections trigger a warning and log the error. You can change this behavior using the mode option, which works with Node's CLI options:

Available options:

  mode: "none" | "warn" | "strict"; // default: "warn"


Import name: Sentry.Integrations.ContextLines

(Available in version 6.18.0 and above)

This integration adds source file context to stack frames for captured exceptions.

Available options:

  // The number of context lines to include with each frame
  frameContextLines: number;


Import name: Sentry.Integrations.LocalVariables

(Available in version 7.46.0 and above)

This integration adds stack local variables to stack frames for uncaught exceptions. Only works with Node 18+.

To enable this integration, set the includeLocalVariables init option to true.

Available options:

  // Capture local variables for both handled and unhandled exceptions.
  // Default: false - Only captures local variables for uncaught exceptions.
  captureAllExceptions?: boolean;


(New in version 7.13.0.)

Import name: Sentry.Integrations.Modules

This integration fetches names of all currently installed Node modules and attaches the list to the event. Once fetched, Sentry will cache the list for later reuse.


(New in version 7.17.1.)

Import name: Sentry.Integrations.RequestData

This integration adds data from incoming requests to transaction and error events that occur during request handling.

Available options:

  // Controls what types of data are added to the event
  include: {
    cookies: boolean  // default: true,
    data: boolean  // default: true,
    headers: boolean  // default: true,
    ip: boolean  // default: false,
    query_string: boolean  // default: true,
    url: boolean  // default: true,
    user: boolean | {
      id: boolean  // default: true,
      username: boolean  // default: true,
      email: boolean  // default: true,
  // Controls how the transaction will be reported. Options are 'path' (`/some/route`),
  // 'methodPath' (`GET /some/route`), and 'handler' (the name of the route handler
  // function, if available)
  transactionNamingScheme: string  // default: 'methodPath',

Modifying System Integrations

To disable system integrations, set defaultIntegrations: false when calling init().

To override an integration's settings, provide a new instance to the integrations option when calling init(). For example, to change the fatal error handler:

  dsn: "",
  integrations: [
    new Sentry.Integrations.OnUncaughtException({
      onFatalError: () => {
        // your implementation

Removing an Integration

This example removes the default-enabled Console integration:

  // ...

  integrations: function (integrations) {
    // integrations will be all default integrations
    return integrations.filter((integration) => !== "Console");
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