Micro Frontend Support

The recommended way to use the Sentry SDK with Micro Frontend is to set up a multiplexed transport when calling Sentry.init. The multiplexed transport will send events to different Sentry projects based on the attributes on that event, which is how you can isolate events from a specific micro-frontend to a specific Sentry project.

Requires SDK version 7.50.0 or higher.

The example below uses the feature tag to determine which Sentry project to send the event to by using different DSNs. If the event does not have a feature tag, we send it to the fallback DSN defined in Sentry.init.

import { makeMultiplexedTransport } from '@sentry/core';
import { init, captureException, makeFetchTransport } from '@sentry/browser';

function dsnFromFeature({ getEvent }) {
  const event = getEvent();
  switch(event?.tags?.feature) {
    case 'cart':
      return ['__CART_DSN__'];
    case 'gallery':
      return ['__GALLERY_DSN__'];
  return []

  dsn: '__FALLBACK_DSN__',
  transport: makeMultiplexedTransport(makeFetchTransport, dsnFromFeature)

captureException(new Error('oh no!', scope => {
  scope.addTag('feature', 'cart');
  return scope;

You can then set tags/contexts on events in individual micro-frontends to decide which Sentry project to send the event to.

makeMultiplexedTransport API

makeMultiplexedTransport takes an instance of a transport (we recommend makeFetchTransport) and a matcher function that returns an array of DSNs.

type EnvelopeItemType =
  | "client_report"
  | "user_report"
  | "session"
  | "sessions"
  | "transaction"
  | "attachment"
  | "event"
  | "profile"
  | "replay_event"
  | "replay_recording"
  | "check_in";

interface MatchParam {
  /** The envelope to be sent */
  envelope: Envelope;
   * A function that returns an event from the envelope if one exists. You can optionally pass an array of envelope item
   * types to filter by - only envelopes matching the given types will be multiplexed.
   * @param types Defaults to ['event'] (only error events will be matched)
  getEvent(types?: EnvelopeItemType[]): Event | undefined;

type Matcher = (param: MatchParam) => string[];

declare function makeMultiplexedTransport(
  transport: (options: TransportOptions) => Transport,
  matcher: Matcher
): (options: TransportOptions) => Transport;

The matcher function runs after all client processing (beforeSend option, event processors from integrations).


Allowing Individual Micro Frontends to Add Their Own DSNs

The example below gives a list of DSNs and tags. It uses the tags attribute on the event to determine which Sentry project to send the event to by using different DSNs. If the event does not have a tags attribute, we send it to the fallback DSN defined in Sentry.init. Individual micro-frontends can then mutate the myDsns variable to add their own DSNs and tags.

const myDsns = [
  { dsn: 'https://...', tag: 'my-tag' },
  { dsn: 'https://...', tag: 'other-tag' },

function dsnFromTag({ getEvent }) {
  const event = getEvent();
  const opt = myDsns.find(({tag} => event?.tags?.includes(tag));
  return opt ? [opt.dsn] : [];

  dsn: '__FALLBACK_DSN__',
  transport: makeMultiplexedTransport(makeFetchTransport, dsnFromTag)

Sending the Same Event to Multiple DSNs

Since the matcher returns an array, you can enforce that an event is sent to multiple DSNs.

import { makeMultiplexedTransport } from "@sentry/core";
import { init, makeFetchTransport } from "@sentry/browser";

const DSN1 = "__DSN1__";
const DSN2 = "__DSN2__";

  dsn: DSN1, // <- init dsn never gets used but need to be valid
  transport: makeMultiplexedTransport(makeFetchTransport, () => [DSN1, DSN2]),
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