Pluggable Integrations

These pluggable integrations are snippets of code that augment functionality for specific applications and/or frameworks. We document them so you can understand what they do and enable them, if needed.

How to Enable

Install the @sentry/integrations package and provide a new instance with your config to the integrations option. Include the plugin after the SDK has been loaded.

For example:

import * as Sentry from "@sentry/browser";
import { ReportingObserver as ReportingObserverIntegration } from "@sentry/integrations";

  dsn: "",
  integrations: [new ReportingObserverIntegration()],

Alternatively, you can also add integrations lazily via client.addIntegration(). This is useful if you only want to enable an integration in a specific environment, or if you want to lazy-load an integration. In other cases, it is recommended to use the integrations option.

import * as Sentry from "@sentry/browser";
import { ReportingObserver as ReportingObserverIntegration } from "@sentry/integrations";

  integrations: [],

const client = Sentry.getCurrentHub().getClient();
if (client) {
  client.addIntegration(new ReportingObserverIntegration());


Import name: Sentry.Integrations.ExtraErrorData

This integration extracts all non-native attributes from the error object and attaches them to the event as the extra data. If the error object has a .toJSON() method, the ExtraErrorData integration will run it to extract additional information.

Available options:

import * as Sentry from "@sentry/browser";
import { ExtraErrorData as ExtraErrorDataIntegration } from "@sentry/integrations";

  dsn: "",
  integrations: [
    new ExtraErrorDataIntegration({
      // Limit of how deep the object serializer should go. Anything deeper than limit will
      // be replaced with standard Node.js REPL notation of [Object], [Array], [Function] or
      // a primitive value. Defaults to 3.
      depth: number,


Import name: Sentry.Integrations.CaptureConsole

This integration captures all Console API calls and redirects them to Sentry using the SDK's captureMessage or captureException call, depending on the log level. It then re-triggers to preserve default native behavior:

import * as Sentry from "@sentry/browser";
import { CaptureConsole as CaptureConsoleIntegration } from "@sentry/integrations";

  dsn: "",
  integrations: [new CaptureConsoleIntegration(
      // array of methods that should be captured
      // defaults to ['log', 'info', 'warn', 'error', 'debug', 'assert']
      levels: string[];


Import name: Sentry.Integrations.Debug

This integration allows you to inspect the contents of the processed event and hint object that will be passed to beforeSend or beforeSendTransaction. It will always run as the last integration, no matter when it was registered.

Note that this is different than setting debug: true in your Sentry.init options, which will enable debug logging in the console.

Available options:

import * as Sentry from "@sentry/browser";
import { Debug as DebugIntegration } from "@sentry/integrations";

  dsn: "",
  integrations: [new DebugIntegration(
      // trigger DevTools debugger instead of using console.log
      debugger: boolean;

      // stringify event before passing it to console.log
      stringify: boolean;


(New in version 7.30.0)

Import name: Sentry.Integrations.HttpClient

This integration captures errors on failed requests from Fetch and XHR and attaches request and response information.

By default, error events will not contain header and cookie data. You can change this behavior by setting the sendDefaultPii option to true.

Available options:

import * as Sentry from "@sentry/browser";
import { HttpClient as HttpClientIntegration } from "@sentry/integrations";

  dsn: "",
  integrations: [
    new HttpClientIntegration({
      // This array can contain tuples of `[begin, end]` (both inclusive),
      // single status codes, or a combination of both.
      // default: [[500, 599]]
      failedRequestStatusCodes: [[500, 505], 507],

      // This array can contain Regexes, strings, or a combination of both.
      // default: [/.*/]
      failedRequestTargets: [

  // This option is required for capturing headers and cookies.
  sendDefaultPii: true,


Import name: Sentry.Integrations.RewriteFrames

This integration allows you to apply a transformation to each frame of the stack trace. In the streamlined scenario, it can be used to change the name of the file frame it originates from, or it can be fed with an iterated function to apply any arbitrary transformation.

On Windows machines, you have to use Unix paths and skip the volume letter in the root option to enable it. For example, C:\\Program Files\\Apache\\www won’t work, however, /Program Files/Apache/www will.

Available options:

import * as Sentry from "@sentry/browser";
import { RewriteFrames as RewriteFramesIntegration } from "@sentry/integrations";

  dsn: "",
  integrations: [new RewriteFramesIntegration(
      // root path that will be stripped from the current frame's filename by the default iteratee if the filename is an absolute path
      root: string;

      // a custom prefix that will be used by the default iteratee (default: `app://`)
      prefix: string;

      // function that takes the frame, applies a transformation, and returns it
      iteratee: (frame) => frame;

Usage Examples

For example, if the full path to your file is /www/src/app/file.js:

UsagePath in Stack TraceDescription
RewriteFrames()app:///file.jsThe default behavior is to replace the absolute path, except the filename, and prefix it with the default prefix (app:///).
RewriteFrames({prefix: 'foo/'})foo/file.jsPrefix foo/ is used instead of the default prefix app:///.
RewriteFrames({root: '/www'})app:///src/app/file.jsroot is defined as /www, so only that part is trimmed from beginning of the path.


Import name: Sentry.Integrations.ReportingObserver

This integration hooks into the ReportingObserver API and sends captured events through to Sentry. It can be configured to handle only specific issue types.

Available options:

import * as Sentry from "@sentry/browser";
import { ReportingObserver as ReportingObserverIntegration } from "@sentry/integrations";

  dsn: "",
  integrations: [new ReportingObserverIntegration(
      types: <'crash'|'deprecation'|'intervention'>[];
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