Query Discover Events in Table Format

GET /api/0/organizations/{organization_slug}/events/

Retrieves discover (also known as events) data for a given organization.

Eventsv2 Deprecation Note: Users who may be using the eventsv2 endpoint should update their requests to the events endpoint outline in this document. The eventsv2 endpoint is not a public endpoint and has no guaranteed availability. If you are not making any API calls to eventsv2, you can safely ignore this. Changes between eventsv2 and events include:

  • Field keys in the response now match the keys in the requested field param exactly.
  • The meta object in the response now shows types in the nested field object.

Aside from the url change, there are no changes to the request payload itself.

Note: This endpoint is intended to get a table of results, and is not for doing a full export of data sent to Sentry.

The field query parameter determines what fields will be selected in the data and meta keys of the endpoint response.

  • The data key contains a list of results row by row that match the query made
  • The meta key contains information about the response, including the unit or type of the fields requested

Path Parameters

organization_slug (string)

The slug of the organization the resource belongs to.

Query Parameters:

end (string)

The end of the period of time for the query, expected in ISO-8601 format. For example 2001-12-14T12:34:56.7890

environment (array(string))

The name of environments to filter by.

project (array(integer))

The ids of projects to filter by. -1 means all available projects. If this parameter is omitted, the request will default to using 'My Projects'

start (string)

The start of the period of time for the query, expected in ISO-8601 format. For example 2001-12-14T12:34:56.7890

statsPeriod (string)

The period of time for the query, will override the start & end parameters, a number followed by one of:

  • d for days
  • h for hours
  • m for minutes
  • s for seconds
  • w for weeks

For example 24h, to mean query data starting from 24 hours ago to now.

field (array(string))

The fields, functions, or equations to request for the query. At most 20 fields can be selected per request. Each field can be one of the following types:

  • A built-in key field. See possible fields in the properties table, under any field that is an event property
    • example: field=transaction
  • A tag. Tags should use the tag[] formatting to avoid ambiguity with any fields
    • example: field=tag[isEnterprise]
  • A function which will be in the format of function_name(parameters,...). See possible functions in the query builder documentation
    • when a function is included, Discover will group by any tags or fields
    • example: field=count_if(transaction.duration,greater,300)
  • An equation when prefixed with equation|. Read more about equations here
    • example: field=equation|count_if(transaction.duration,greater,300) / count() * 100
per_page (integer)

Limit the number of rows to return in the result. Default and maximum allowed is 100.

query (string)

The search filter for your query, read more about query syntax here

example: query=(transaction:foo AND release:abc) OR (transaction:[bar,baz] AND release:def)

sort (string)

What to order the results of the query by. Must be something in the field list, excluding equations.


<auth_token> requires one of the following scopes:
  • org:admin
  • org:read
  • org:write
curl https://sentry.io/api/0/organizations/{organization_slug}/events/ \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer <auth_token>'
  "data": [
      "count_if(transaction.duration,greater,300)": 5,
      "count()": 10,
      "equation|count_if(transaction.duration,greater,300) / count() * 100": 50,
      "transaction": "foo"
      "count_if(transaction.duration,greater,300)": 3,
      "count()": 20,
      "equation|count_if(transaction.duration,greater,300) / count() * 100": 15,
      "transaction": "bar"
      "count_if(transaction.duration,greater,300)": 8,
      "count()": 40,
      "equation|count_if(transaction.duration,greater,300) / count() * 100": 20,
      "transaction": "baz"
  "meta": {
    "fields": {
      "count_if(transaction.duration,greater,300)": "integer",
      "count()": "integer",
      "equation|count_if(transaction.duration,greater,300) / count() * 100": "number",
      "transaction": "string"